First of all, I am a seasonal allergy sufferer. Now, when I say "sufferer" I say it with all seriousness. The mere thought of springtime and pollen makes my nose start to run. It's one of those places where modern medicine and I agree 100%, and I take a generic form of ZyrtecD's 10mg pill. Antihistamine is a necessity for me. So forgive me if this is somewhat incoherent, as I have not yet gotten to take my lovely happy "please help me stop sneezing and clawing out my eyes" pill!
I have multiple cloth diapers on the way. As you may know, I have thus far tried the following diapers and combinations:
gDiapers with disposable liners (newborn)
gDiapers with flats (newborn)
BumGenius 3.0 AIOs (infant to toddler)
WonderWraps with Chinese prefolds (infant to toddler)
I now officially have a toddler on my hands, as A is cruising and crawling without difficulty. I would like to note that I have the following diapers en route and will be reviewing them as I go:
Gro Baby (one dipe with two organic cotton snap-in soakers)
Two more WonderWraps
Two Blueberry Minky OS Bamboo
Two Imse Vimse Organic training pants (for G)
Four Thirsties Fab Fitteds (medium; we'll see if they fit)
Four Thirsties diaper covers
Thus far I have been using the WWs with just a prefold inside, newspaper-style, no pins or Snappis. I do not own any Snappis because I am currently unwilling to purchase even more prefolds (the ones I have are a larger size and already do not fold in a way to wrap them around A's waist, the chunker) than I already have so I am stubbornly making do. Here's a brief rundown/reminder of my thoughts on the diapers I have and have used:
gDiapers with liners: Do. Not. Like. I am looking to get rid of these, actually; I have two of the smallest diapers in orange and cream, four liners, and a package of liners. Please take them off my hands. I don't have a set price, yet, so make an offer.
gDiapers with flats: A total waste of time. This is what helped me learn that flats are evil. The flats don't fold well into the liners, and the liners are the only thing keeping the diaper water-resistant. Thus, leaks and bunching.
WonderWraps with prefolds: Despite not pinning, I have found that a newspaper fold inside a WW works surprisingly well, especially as a quickie diaper. I would not travel with this method, just in case (I'm a worry wart), because there's nothing keeping the prefold in place; that being said I've found no extensive slipping or sliding. I haven't tried the India prefolds yet but I really like the Chinese; they are truly incredibly soft.
BumGenius 3.0 AIOs: These are awesome diapers. They are a great middle-ground for both cost and efficiency. They don't stain any easier than any other diaper and they fit pretty well (on their biggest setting they still fit my potty-training three-year-old, G!). My concern is that A is currently on the largest setting, and because of his wetting tendencies I need to keep the front portion snapped down on the farthest setting. Putting in an extra one of the microfiber liners makes the diaper too bunched. These are also sort of tough to fasten properly onto a baby with a big tummy (one that he's rapidly losing as he becomes even more mobile, sigh). However, they're easy to store and wash.
As a note, for all washing purposes I have an older dryer, a top-loading regular washer (although we have a brand-new one, woo!), and Rockin' Green soap in whatever scent I happen to get.
I have also ordered two organic cotton feminine pads from Swaddlebees. I wanted to get them from Cotton Babies, but they were out of stock, so I went to the source. I use pads at night often while on my period and am quite excited to give these a try. I'd love to work with some kind of reusable tampon! I've attempted something akin to a DivaCup (the "Instead" disposable cups) but I am thus far incapable of using them properly. Someone want to tutor me on how to use these things and I may seriously consider purchasing an actual DivaCup when I'm able!
As a sidenote, I am finally growing herbs! I was attempting to grow strawberries, too, but for whatever reason they have died, and I need to start over. I have parsley, oregano, and cilantro; the parsley and oregano are doing great, but the cilantro doesn't seem to have any clue what it's doing (although having G mess around with it and start putting his hand in the pot doesn't help any). Wish my herbs luck. I'll probably be restarting the strawberries after the move.
Let's see, what else.
Oh, next month we will be moving and this month we are looking for new housing. So expect some craziness during that!
My CottonBabies shipment should arrive tomorrow. That's one of the nice things of living 2 1/2 hours north of the store - shipments come really quickly! I haven't gotten shipping confirmation yet from Kelly's Closet, and I'm hoping my Swaddlebees order will be shipping on Monday.
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