So, on the home front, I have finally begun my official exposure to the cloth diapering world. Before Alex was born in July (by the way, he was three months old yesterday!) we found some gDiaper starter kits and disposable liners on sale at County Market. I had wanted to start cloth with Gabe, but had never gotten the opportunity as we had no easy access to a washer and dryer, so at half off the regular price we swooped in and bought the last starter kit and second-to-last package of inserts. I washed them once and promptly forgot about the entire thing, a victim to the lazy-ass disposable trend.
Fast forward to yesterday. We were running low on disposables and I knew it would still be a few hours before my mother would be taking me shopping and providing me with more. My dear husband looks at me and calmly points out, "You know, we still have the gDiapers." Boom, I'm off.
I stripped the few cloth flats that I have and immediately figured out a do-it-yourself folding method that involves the little "butt pocket" for poop. I'm proud to say that even with incredibly flimsy flats, we have made it through an overnight, one poop, and several pee diapers with no huge complaints! Of course it isn't as convenient as disposables in a lot of ways: baby needs to be changed more often because he's more aware of when he's wet. But at the same time, every time I put him in cloth, he grins at me. He's a happy baby and I know it!
So now we're discussing purchasing a six-pack of the BumGenius 3.0 diapers, along with 20 Indian prefolds. I'm excited about the prospect of using prefolds instead of flats, especially since supposedly they're more absorbent (I bet they are)! I'm also happy about trying out one-size-fits-all diapers, because while I do like the gDiapers, I'm not particularly excited about spending almost $18 on one diaper when I know I'm going to have to replace it with a bigger size. However, I've also heard that some people find the BG OS to be flimsy and have noticed that people are reporting that it doesn't always hold up that well, so we shall see. Either way, I'm pretty sure all of our future prefold orders will be coming from the same site I plan on ordering the BG diapers from, because 20 Indian prefolds are only $35! Woo hoo!
In other news, I've recently been made aware of a WAHM momma who is getting herself all ready to go with a cloth diapering business. She's also working on some "momma cloth" style tampons that looked positively ADORABLE. I highly suggest everyone check out Clever With Cloth as she makes the transition into a home business. She makes receiving blankets into cloth diapers - how adorable is that?!
For now, I leave you, my nonexistent followers, as I have a screaming, unhappy baby who currently needs to be fed.
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